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Pro-European parties retain a strong majority but right-wing parties make gains in Germany, Austria, France and Italy. Leftist parties win in Sweden, Denmark, Portugal and the Netherlands. Civic Coalition comes first in Poland

European Parliament in Strasburg

The European Parliament building, which opened in 1999, is named after Louse Weiss, a journalist, women's rights activist and, later in her life, Gaullist politician

June 2024: In the elections to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 9 June 2024, pro-European party groups retained the majority despite suffering heavy losses in some cases. Out of 720 seats in parliament, staunchly pro-European party groups won 489 seats. However, they lost 36 seats. Eurosceptic groups won 131 seats, an increase of 13 seats. The 100 independents and non-defined members of parliament probably include a considerable number of Eurosceptics. For example, the 15 deputies sent to Strasbourg from the German far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) belong to this group after the party was expelled from the Identity and Democracy grouping in the European Parliament.


In Germany, voter turnout was higher than ever after 16 and 17-year-olds were allowed to vote for the first time. Almost 65% of those eligible to vote cast their ballot. In the first all-German EU election in 1994, the turnout had been exactly 60 percent, in later votes only between 40 and 50 percent.


Around 65 million people in Germany were eligible to vote. The European elections are seen as a mood test for the German parties for the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in the autumn and for the parliamentary (Bundestag) elections in the autumn of next year.



Distribution of seats in the European Parliament

(by party groupings)


European People’s Party Group (EEP) centre-right – 185 seats (gained 9 seats)

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), centre-left – 137 seats (lost 2 seats)

Renew Europe (RE), liberal / strongly pro-European – 79 seats (lost 23 seats)

Greens – European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA), 52 seats (lost 19 seats)

The Left in the European Parliament (GUE/NGL) 36 seats (lost 1 seat)



European Conservatives and Reformists, anti-federalists (ECR), 73 seats (gained 4 seats)

Identity and Democracy (ID), right-wing nationalists, 58 seats (gained 9 seats)



Independents 46 seats (lost 16 seats)

Various others - 54 seats


Number of European Members of Parliament

(Country by country)

The number of Members of Parliament (MEPs) each country sends to Strasbourg (minimum six, maximum 96) depends on their population size. Small countries receive more seats in proportion to their population. The parliament has 720 seats in total:

Germany: 96 | France: 81 | Italy: 76 | Spain: 61 | Poland: 53 | Romania: 33 | Netherlands: 31 | Belgium: 22 | Greece: 21 | Czech Republic: 21 | Sweden: 21 | Portugal: 21 | Hungary: 21 | Austria: 20 | Bulgaria: 17 | Denmark: 15 | Finland: 15 | Slovakia: 15  | Ireland: 14  | Croatia: 12  | Lithuania: 11  | Slovenia: 9  | Latvia: 9 | Estonia: 7 | Cyprus: 6 | Luxembourg: 6 | Malta: 6

Results of 2024 European Elections

(Country-by-country results)


Freiheitliche Partei, right-wing, 25.7%, 6 seats, gained 3 seats

Österreichische Volkspartei, centre-right, 24.7%, 5 seats, lost 2 seats

Sozialdemokratische Partei, centre-left, 23.2%, 5 seats, no change

Die Grünen, centre-left, green, 10.7%, 2 seats, lost 1 seat

NEOS, liberal, 9.9%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat



Vlaams Belang, right-wing, 14.5%, 3 seats

New Flemish Alliance, Flemish nationalist, 14.0%, 3 seats

Reformist Movement, liberal, 12.6%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

Christian Democratic and Flemish, Christian-conservative, 8.3%, 2 seats

Vooruit, social-democratic, 8.0%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat

Socialist Party, socialist, 7.4%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat

Workers Party of Belgium, socialist, 5.1%, 1 seat, gained 1 seat

Groen, Green, 6.3%, 1 seat

Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats, liberal, 5.6%, lost 1 seat

Workers Party of Belgium, socialist, 5.6%, 1 seat

Les Engagés, French-speaking centrist party, 5.2%, 1 seat



GERB—SDS, centre-right, 23.5%, 5 seats

Political Alliance PP–DB, pro-European, centre-left, 14.9%, 3 seats

Revival, far-right, 14.2%m 3 seats

DPS (Movement for Rights and Freedom), 13.5%, 3 seats

Bulgarian Socialist Party, centre-left, 7.1%, 2 seats, lost 3 seats



HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union), conservative, 34.6% 6 seats (gained 2 seats)

SDP (Rivers of Justice), centre-left, 26%, 4 seats

Homeland Movement, nationalist, right-wing, 8.8%, 1 seat

Mozemo (We can), leftist, green, 5.9%, 1 seat



Democratic Rally, Christian-democratic, 24.8%, 2 seats

AKEK (Progressive party of Working People), communist, 21.5%, 1 seat, lost 1 seat

Fidias, 19.1%, 1 seat

ELAM (National Popular Front) far-right, neo-fascist, 11.2%, 1 seat



ANO, populist, 26.1%, 7 seats, gained 4 seats

Spolu, centre-right, 22.3%, 6 seats

AUTO, pro-motorists, 10.3%, 2 seats

Stacilo, left-wing, 9.6&, 2 seats

STAN (Mayors for Europe), centrist, 8.7%, 2 seats

Czech Pirate Party, liberal-progressive, 6.2%, 1 seat, lost 2 seats



Green Left (SF), 17.4%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

Social Democrats, centre-left, 15.6%, 3 seats

Venstre, conservative, 14.7%, 2 seats, lost 1 seat

Liberal Alliance, centrist-liberal, 7%, 1 seat, gained 1 seat



Isamaa, Christian-democratic, 21.5%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat

Social Democratic Party, social-democratic, 19.3%, 2 seats

Estonian Reform Party, liberal, 17.9%, 1 seat, lost 1 seat

Conservative People’s Party, right-wing, 14.9%, 1 seat



National Coalition Party (KOK), liberal, 24.8%, 4 seats, gained 1 seat

Left Alliance, socialist, 17.3%, 3 seats, gained 2 seats

Social Democratic Party, social-democratic, pro-European, 14.9%, 2 seats

Centre Party (KESK), centrist, 11.6%, 2 seats

Green League, green, centre-left, 11.3%, 2 seats, lost 1 seat



National Rally (RN), far-right, 31.4%, 30 seats, gained 12 seats

Besoin d’Europe, liberal, pro-European, 14.6%, 13 seats

Réveiller L’Europe, socialist, 13.8%, 13 seats

La France Insoumise, left-wing, 9.9%, 9 seats, gained 4 seats

The Republicans, liberal-conservative, Gaullist, 7.3%, 6 seats, lost 1 seat

The Ecologists (LE-EELV), green, leftist, 5.5%, 5 seats, lost 1 seat

La France Fière (Proud France), 5.5%, 5 seats



Christian Democrats (CDU)/CSU, centre-right, 30.0%, 29 seats

Alternative for Germany (AfD), far-right, 15.9%, 15 seats, gained 6 seats

Social Democrats (SPD), centre-left, 13.9%, 14 seats, lost 2 seats

The Greens, centre-left, 11.9%, 12 seats, lost 9 seats

Coalition Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), populist, 6.2%, 6 seats

Free Democrats (FDP) centre-right, 5.2%, 5 seats

The Left, leftist, 2.7%, 3 seats, lost 2 seats

Free Voters, centre-right, 2.7%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

Volt Germany, pro-European, 2.6%, 3 seats, gained 2 seats

Die PARTEI, centrist, 1.9%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat

Tierschutzpartei, animal protection, 1.4%, 1 seat



New Democracy, liberal-conservative, 28.3%, 7 seats, gained 1 seat

Syriza, leftist, 14.9%, 4 seats, gained 2 seats

PASOK, social-democratic, 12.8%, 3 seats, gained 2 seats

Greek Solution, far-right, 9.3%, 2 seats

Communist Party of Greece, 9.3%, 2 seats



Fidesz, right-wing, 44.8%, 11 seats

TISZA (Respect & Freedom Party), centre-left, 29.6%, 7 seats

Dialogue Alliance, 8.1%, 2 seats

Our Homeland Movement, far-right, 6.7%, 1 seat, gained 1 seat



Fine Gael, liberal-conservative, 20.8%, 3 seats, lost 2 seats

Fianna Fáil, conservative, 20.4%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

Sinn Féin, leftist, pro-united Ireland, 11.1%, 3 seats, gained 2 seats



Brothers of Italy, right-wing, 28.8%, 24 seats, gained 14 seats

Democratic Party, centre-left, 24.1%, 21 seats, gained 5 seats

Five Star Movement, populist, 10.0%, 8 seats, gained 3 seats

Forzo Italia, centre-right, 9.6%, 8 seats

Lega, right-wing, 9.0%, 8 seats, lost 14 seats

AVS (Greens), leftist, 6.8%, 6 seats, gained 5 seats

South Tyrolian People’s Party, conservative, 0.5%, 1 seat



New Unity, centre-right, 25.1%, 2 seats

National Alliance, right-wing, populist, 22.1%, 2 seats

For Latvia’s Development (LA), 9.4%, 1 seat

The Progressives, social-democratic, 7.4%, 1 seat, gained 1 seat



Homeland Union, conservative, 21.3%, 3 seats, lost 1 seat

Social Democratic Party, centre-left, 18.0%, 2 seats

Lithuanian Farmers, green-conservative, 9.1%, 1 seat

People & Justice Union, centrist, 5.5%, 1 seat, gained 1 seat



Christian Social People’s Party (CSV), conservative, 22.9%, 2 seats

Luxembourg Socialist workers’ Party (LSAP), social-democratic, 21.7%, 1 seat

Democratic Party, liberal, 18.3%, 1 seat

Alternative Democratic Reform Party (ADR), conservative, 11.3%, 1 seat



Labour Party, centre-left, 45.3%, 3 seats, lost 1 seat

Nationalist Party, conservative, 42.0%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat



GroenLinks–PvdA, green, centre-left, 21.6%, 8 seats

Party for Freedom (PVV), right-wing, populist, 17.7%, 6 seats, gained 6 seats

People’s Party (VVD), centre-right, 11.6%, 4 seats, lost 1 seat

Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), centre-right, 9.7%, 3 seats, lost 2 seats

Democrats 66, centrist-liberal, 8.1%, 3 seats, gained 2 seats

Vold Netherlands, liberal, strongly pro-European, 4.9%, 2 seats, gained 2 seats

Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB), right-wing, 5.3%, 2 seats



Civic Coalition (KO), centrist, 37.1%, 21 seats

Law and Justice (PiS), right-wing populist, 36.2%, 20 seats, lost 5 seats

Confederation, far-right, 12.1%, 6 seats, gained 6 seats

Third Way (Trzecia Droga), centre-right, 6.9%, 3 seats

The Left (Lewica), leftist, 6.3%, 3 seats



Socialist Party, social-democratic, 32.1%, 8 seats, lost 1 seat

Democratic Alliance (AD), centre-right, 31.1%, 7 seats

Chega, right-wing, 9.8%, 2 seats

Liberal Initiative (IL), liberal, 9.1%, 2 seats

Left Bloc (BE), left-wing, 4.3%, 1 seat, lost 1 seat

CDU (Unitary Democratic Coalition), left-wing green, 4.1%, 1 seat, lost 1 seat



National Coalition for Romania, centre-left, 48.7%, 19 seats

Alliance for the Union of Romanians, right-wing, 14.9%, 6 seats, gained 5 seats

United Right Alliance, centre-right, 8.6%, 3 seats

Democratic Alliance of Hungarians, represents the Hungarian minority, 6.6%, 2 seats

SOS Romania, far right, 5%, 2 seats



Progressive Slovakia (PS), liberal, 27.8%, 6 seats

Social Democracy (SMER), left-wing nationalist, 24.6%, 5 seats, gained 3 seats

Republika, far-right, 12.5%, 2 seats, gained 1 seat

Voice – Social Democracy (HLAS), social-democratic, 7.2%, 1 seat



Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), conservative, 30.7%, 4 seats, gained 2 seats

Freedom Movement (Z.DEJ), liberal green, 22.2%, 2 seats

Vesna - Green Party, green, 10.5%, 1 seat

Social Democrat (SD), centre-left pro-European, 7.7%, 1 seat, lost 1 seat



People’s Party (PP), conservative, 34.2%, 22 seats, gained 9 seats

Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, social-democratic, 30.2%, 20 seats, lost 1 seat

VOX, right-wing, 9.6%, 6 seats, gained 2 seats

Republics Now, centre-left, 4.9%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

SUMAR, left-wing, 4.7%, 3 seats

SALF, liberal, 4.6%, 3 seats

Podemos, left-wing populist, 3.3%, 2 seats, lost 2 seats



Social Democratic Party, centre-left, 24.8%, 5 seats

Moderate Party, conservative, 17.6%, 4 seats

Green Party, green, 13.8%, 3 seats

Sweden Democrats, right-wing populist, 13.2%, 3 seats, gained 1 seat

Left Party, socialist, 11%, 2 seats

Centre Party, liberal, 7.3%, 1 seat

Christian Democrats, centre-right, 5.7%, 1 seat

Liberals, liberal, 4.4%, 1 seat


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