German Brief
Content of interest and consequence
Stories that explain and delight

German Brief was conceived to report on, discuss and explain German affairs. It covers a broad range of topics that are of interest and consequence to an international audience. German Brief values facts over speculation. While individual articles may express particular opinions, overall, German Brief does not favour one cause over another.
Critique is encouraged as long as it is sincere, well informed and respectful. Contributors include writers, journalists and authors with specialised knowledge as well as individuals from all walks of life. German Brief will never allow intolerance, hate or deliberate misinformation to be expressed.
German Brief publishes stories, studies and research. It promotes ideas that further understanding, tolerance and equity.
German Brief reports from all corners of Germany. A local event can be as interesting and relevant as some of the big stories of the day.
Facts are important. Fantasies should only be used in literary works. German Brief will never allow intolerance, hate or deliberate misinformation to be expressed.
In addition to reporting from Germany, German Brief examines Germany’s role in Europe and the wider world.
Publishing in 2024
German Brief has commenced publishing in late Spring of 2023. A range of additional subjects and features will be introduced during 2024 and beyond. All articles can be accessed free and are presented in an advertising-free environment. Most of German Brief's content will be in English but literary works and, for example, interviews may also be published in German. Please contact The Editor. for further information or any questions. German Brief is also posting on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Reddit.
German Brief welcomes articles for publication or ideas for possible features. Articles can cover any subject that may be of interest to an international audience. They can be written in English or German. All submissions should be accompanied by a brief outline of the article and its purpose as well as the author’s contact details and, possibly, a little bit of information about him or her. Please write to The Editor.
German Brief Foundation
German Brief has been set up as a philanthropic foundation. It is independent and has no association with any organisation. It is run on strictly non-commercial, non-profit lines. Educational grants may be awarded. Sponsorships, advertising, subscriptions, donations or any other kind of revenue are NOT sought and will be rejected, if offered.
The Team
Tann vom Hove
Publisher @ German Brief
Journalist, editor, publisher. Tann has spent his career in Germany, France and London. He worked for daily newspapers in Germany and London. He also founded, published and edited a number of international business publications. Languages: German, English, French.
Graham Cunningham
Editorial Consultant @ German Brief
Journalist, editor and academic. Graham spent his career in London, Oxford and Cambridge, as well as in Heidelberg. He edited some of Britain’s leading computer magazines. Languages: English, German, Latin.
Paulo Botas
Editor @ German Brief
Writer, researcher and academic. Paulo has spent his career in London and Freiburg. He contributes to leading British and European educational journals. Languages: English, German, Portuguese.
Michael O’Connor
Editorial consultant @ German Brief
Writer and commentator. Michael spent his career in London where he devised and implemented social services programmes for a number of inner-city boroughs. Languages: English, French.
Matteo Dalle Fratte
Contributing editor @ German Brief
Writer. Matteo has spent his career in London and Venice. He has written extensively about opera and is currently working with opera houses in Britain and Germany. Languages: Italian, English, German
Brian Baker
Environmental editor @ German Brief
Journalist and researcher. Brian has spent his career in journalism, contributing to print and online publication on climate change and urban affairs. He has travelled extensively in Germany and other European countries. Languages: English.
Jacek Bruchal
Built environment editor @ German Brief
Researcher. Jacek has spent his career in London and Poland. In London, he has contributed to a number of landmark developments. Languages: Polish, English, German, Russian.
German Brief
London SW1
Tel: +44 20 8439 7978